Friday, May 30, 2008

The Inhabitants.

I don't really talk to any one at the Ike Box but the teachers. Ryan is a really cool person. He takes us to trips on Tuesdays which we don't do in public school. Eric is cool he likes to take pictures and record nature, He also like to see videos on u tube made be people. I really thinks my classmates are good people. I see them smile a lot in class. which is a good thing to see instead of being mad or sad all day, its good to see a smiling face every now and then.


My progress has been a little late because I missed a week of school, but I'm working on it. I hope to be caught up before school is over so I have to work hard. Some obstacles I had to over come are to turn in my work on time, and to get the right answer. But I'm pretty sure I'm doing better than I was doing at Mcknary High school. Although I still don't really understand math yet. I'm starting to get the hang of it.

The Resolution.

What I plan to do in the future is to get all my credits and graduate so I can go to collage and get a part time job. And hopefully get a good job in something that involves music or art. My dreams are to reach my goals so I can make my family happy and help them buy a big beautiful house that my mother always wanted. This summer I;m going to The OYCP (Oregon Youth Challenge Program.) and earn most of my credits so I can come back and go to college and find a part time job.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How I Crashed To The Ike Box.

I crashed into the ike box because I came from a different school and ended up here and I like that I crashed here because the people are nice and really fun to be around with. We go out to trips every Thursday. And I also like my ike media class because I've never taking photography and video class before. I really like to take pictures its really fun.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I really don't know what it means but I'm a take a guess. I guess what they are trying to say is that the lord of the flies is a kid that has all the power but I'm not to sure about that. I think it was when they were mad at each other. and there blood was pumping very fast.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Endangered habitats

The Reasons why I think we should care about endangered habitats is because it can be an animals home. We wouldn't like it if that were to happen to us. Because animals are living things to. Do they not feel hurt, sad and lonely? Or is it that people just don't care?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lord Of The Flies.

PIGGY-Is a fat kid with glasses and no one ever listens to him. He feels he can lead if he was given the opportunity to lead.

RALPH- I really Don't know much about this guy.

JACK-I don't know much about this guy either.


The LITTLE ONES-are they the twins?

The BEAST-He his the boar pig thing the wanted to kill.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Benefits of trees.

Trees have a lot of benefits. We use them and so do animals. We use them as paper and wood to make shelfs out of. But animals use them as there home and a place to hide. Or just hide if it rains. people go camping and use logs for a fire. if there was a forest fire a lot of animals would lose there home. If our home got on fire we would be sad to.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Gun Control.

I think guns can be bad or good at times. It can be bad because some innocent person could get shot. Some people say that we shouldn't have gun at all but I'm not to sure of it. But I guess people have there own opinion of things. But others think guns are good to use as long as there safe with them. But I also think that people should be more careful on where they put them because accidents do happen and you wouldn't want it happen to you. trust me.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lord Of The Flies.

One wants the power to lead the group and be the hero. so they are fighting for the meeting and then they wanted to separate each other. for not agreeing on things and not letting him use the shell to call the meeting. Then they made a barrier because they wanted to be separated from each other. But soon or later they'll settle there difference.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cris Gardener.

Yes I have felt like there was something that I am passionate about. Art and poetry in my old school they didn't like my art or my poetry. Why? Because it is the way I express it I don't trust no one with a secret so I write it or draw it in my journal.
My career dreams are something that involves music or art. like a DJ or a painter. And in order to achieve them I have to get better and just keep doing what I'm doing. And probably go to school for it.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Space living.

I think if we lived in space it would be cool. We would be floating because
there would be no gravity. And we would be flying rockets from and back to earth.
We would be homies with the aliens and kick it together. I think it would be real cool if that were to happen . Because its not every day your in space talking with your homies and their aliens.

Where does mold grow?

Mold grows in moist areas were the sun barly hits. Like behind trees and some other places. It forms from moist places. It has a dew point, condensation, relative humidity, temperature. Moisture collects in the dark moist places in your house. The problems of it are probably hazardous.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

If we had no rules.

If we had no rules every thing would go wrong. People would be breaking into stores and jacking all their stuff. People would have stuff for free and stores wouldn't be making money. All of the laws would be broken and alot of people would be murderd just for having no rules.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Circle.

My Circle of friends would be Travieso loc- trouble maker, Chula- dangerous one, Lil one-wierd, Ben davis- funny, Lady- cool, and me Silent one-the quiet one. we make a good team because we have been through a lot together. good and bad together. they have had my back and I have had theres all the time. there like my family when I'm not t home. I can always count on them.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Ides of March.

The Ides of march is the story of Julius Cesar that was told by a fortune teller told him to be careful for the ides of march. and one day on march 15, I think Julius Cesar came from a trip and one of his friends went to hug him and once his arms were rapped around Julius Cesar and then he stabbed him in the back.
And it is said that Friends might back stab you on that day just like Julius Cesar got stabbed in the back. I don't know if I believe in it because it hasn't happened to me. but who knows, it might happen in the future.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Which vandalism is worse?

11. Setting a school on fire, because some one can get fatally injured it isn't a joke.
10. Leaving litter in the countryside, because it makes it look dirty and looks like they don't take care of it.
9. Breaking glass in a bus shelter, because some one could get glass in the eye or in the head.
8. Damage a phone box, what if some one had a emergency like witness to a murder.
7. Throwing stones onto a railway line, a train might roll over.
6. Breaking a park bench, because no one can sit down.
5. Damaging seats on buses, it just doesn't look right.
4. Painting graffiti on a public building, because we need to take care of where we live and public places. but they just don't care.
3. Breaking a street lights, some one could get ran over.
2. Throwing eggs at cars and homes, its just disturbing.
1. Putting dish soap into a fountain, it would be fun but its wrong.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why are young people attracted to violence?

I think young people are attracted to violence because they think it is fun. like for example, boxers fight and compete against each other to see who is the strongest and how much can they last in the ring.
And I also think that its because they are bored and have nothing else to do, so they go and break things just like that. they like to experiment on things to see how fast it is or if it could beet other people that are doing the same thing.

Monday, March 10, 2008

What if children ruled the world.

I think if kids ruled the world it would have its good & bad things happening. There be no curfew and the president would be a 3rd grader. and we would see diapers as far as the eye can see. and kids would not know what to do about the news. they won't be really worried about the war they would be more focused on candy and toys. There would be a lot of wrong things with the picture if the kids ruled the world. we would have a emperor like stewie from the family guy. That would be funny.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

If Animals Could Talk.

If Animals could talk they would have alot to say. and scientests would be asking them questions about animals that they know little about.the K-9 units would have cheetas and fire fighters would have elephants helping them. and every one would be asking all the animals in the forest a very important question. where is big foot? It Would be really cool because what if they seen animals we haven't seen. and figure out why some animals do wierd things and figure out why they do it. and it would be cool becuase the animals would help people out. I also think itmight be a little wierd but its something we'll get used to.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms. they come in different shapes and sizes.Bacteria are ubiquitous in every habitat on earth, growing in soil, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, sea water, and deep in the earth's crust. there are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soilamn a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water.

Bacteria was first observed by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek in 1676, using a single-lens microscope of his own design he called them "animalcules" and published his observations in a series of letters to the royal society. there approximately ten times as many bacterial cells as human cells in the human body with a large numbers of bacteria on the skin and in the digestive tract. although the vast majority of these bacteria are rendered harmless.

The most common fatal bacteria diseases are respiratory infections, with tuberculosis alone killing about 2 million people a year, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. in developed countries, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and in various resistance is becoming common.






Spirochete Flagella



Binary fission







About Me.

My name is Jose Emanuel,my friends call me Silent one because I'm always quiet I am 17 years old. born and raised in Bakersfield California. I like to draw, write poems, and hang out with my friends and family. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister my little carnalitos name is pedro but we call him Travieso Loc which means trouble he is 14 years old. and my older carnals name is Jesus and he is 22. my carnalas name is JoAnna and she is 19. and my hefitas name is Consepcion Zazueta she is from Sinaloa, Mexico. we all get along real well I guess. and this is my familia. I lived in Bakersfield for 12 years. we moved to Oregon because gangs are really active and she didn't want us exposed to it. first we moved to Vale, Oregon where we lived for 3 months. and then we moved Ontario, Oregon and then Nysan, Oregon where we lived for about 6 months. and we ended up here in salem Oregon. it is a little different then I'm used to, but its okay.